AMARIS is a classy men’s EDT cologne modeled after Aramis by Aramis. This popular cologne has woody, earthy, leather and balsamic accords. Smells like the original classic! Why pay more money for designer fragrances, yet this perfume is similar in notes and base fragrance oils?
גודל: 3.4 Oz/100ML, new retail box
תוסף גלוטתיון 1000 מ"ג עם ויטמין C 500 מ"ג: EBC Collection
שימושים: Body fragrance, מתנה לחברים ולמשפחה.
בקבוק חמוד יכול לשמש כפריט אספנות. Out team evaluated this cologne, it was excellent!
כתב ויתור: Not associated with the Amaris brand. This is a high quality impression cologne.
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